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HTTP errors

HTTP errors are sent to your web browser from a website if a problem is encountered when trying to view a webpage. If the webpage cannot be displayed, Internet Explorer will display either the actual error page sent by the website or a friendly error message built into Internet Explorer. Below you will find some of the most common errors and ideas for how to solve the problem that's causing them.

HTTP error message What it means What you can do
The webpage cannot be found (HTTP 400) Internet Explorer is able to connect to the web server, but the webpage cannot be found because of a problem with the web address (URL). This error message often happens because the website address is typed incorrectly. Make sure the address is correct and try again.
The website declined to show this webpage (HTTP 403) Internet Explorer is able to connect to the website, but Internet Explorer does not have permission to display the webpage. This can happen for a variety of reasons; here are some of the most common: Check to be sure you have a correct address. If it's a link, it could be out of date and no longer available on the website.
The website's administrator has to give you permission to view the page or the web server does not accept public webpage requests. If this is a website that you should have access to, contact the website administrator.
The webpage you're trying to view is generated by a program, such as a shopping cart or search engine, and the folder on the server the program is contained in is not correctly configured by the website administrator.
You have typed a basic web address (for example,, but the website does not have a default webpage (such as index.htm or default.html). Additionally, the website does not allow directory listing, which allows you to view files in a web folder.
The webpage cannot be found (HTTP 404) Internet Explorer is able to connect to the website, but the webpage is not found. This error is sometimes caused because the webpage is temporarily unavailable or because the webpage has been deleted. Try again later. Check to be sure you have a correct address and it is spelled correctly. If it's a link, it could be out of date and no longer available on the website.
The website cannot display the page (HTTP 405) Internet Explorer is able to connect to the website, but the webpage content cannot be downloaded to your computer. This is usually caused by a problem in the way the webpage was programmed. Unfortunately, this is a problem with the website, and there isn't much you can do unless you're the webmaster. You could try again later to see if the problem has been corrected. If it's a site you go to often without problems, you might try contacting the website owner.
Internet Explorer cannot read this webpage format (HTTP 406) Internet Explorer is able to receive information from the website but it is in a format that Internet Explorer does not know how to display. If you are requesting a document, check to see if you are including the file extension, such as .pdf or .doc.
The website is too busy to show the webpage (HTTP 408 or 409) The server took too long to display the webpage or there were too many people requesting the same page. Try the webpage again later.
That webpage no longer exists (HTTP 410) Internet Explorer is able to connect to the website, but the webpage cannot not be found. Unlike HTTP error 404, this error is permanent and was turned on by the website administrator. It is sometimes used for limited time offers or promotional information. Check to be sure you have a correct address. If it's a link, it could be out of date.
The website cannot display the page (HTTP 500) The website you are visiting had a server problem that prevented the webpage from displaying. It often occurs as a result of website maintenance or because of a programming error on interactive websites that use scripting. Unfortunately, this is a problem with the website, and there isn't much you can do unless you're the webmaster. You could try again later to see if the problem has been corrected. If it continues, and it's a site you go to often without problems, you might try contacting the website owner.
The website is unable to display the webpage (HTTP 501 or 505) Error 501 (HTTP 501 - Not Implemented) means that the website you're visiting is not set up to display the content your browser is requesting. These errors might occur if you have HTTP 1.1 enabled. To disable HTTP 1.1, click the Tools button, click Internet Options, and then click the Advanced tab. Under Settings, scroll down to the HTTP 1.1 settings section, and then clear the check boxes for Use HTTP 1.1. These errors might also occur if a third-party product is interfering with Internet Explorer. Try closing all programs and then attempt to access the webpage again.
Error 505 (HTTP 505 - Version Not Supported) means the website does not support the version of the HTTP protocol your browser uses (HTTP/1.1 being the most common) to request the webpage.


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