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Remove Duplicate Row in Sql Query

Method 1:

-- Create Sample Table
DECLARE @table TABLE (data VARCHAR(20))

-- Insert Some Data
INSERT INTO @table VALUES ('not duplicate row')
INSERT INTO @table VALUES ('duplicate row')INSERT INTO @table VALUES ('duplicate row')

-- Find out Duplicate rows in table:
SELECT  data, COUNT(data) nrFROM    @tableGROUP BY dataHAVING  COUNT(data) > 1

-- Remove Duplicate rows from table
      WHERE    data IN (SELECT  data                               FROM    @table
                               GROUP BY data                               HAVING  COUNT(*) > 1)      IF @@Rowcount = 0          BREAK ;   ENDSET ROWCOUNT 0

-- See Out put after remove duplicate record from table.
SELECT * FROM  @table

Method 2:

DECLARE  @tempData TABLE (data VARCHAR(20))
INSERT INTO @tempData VALUES ('not duplicate row')
INSERT INTO @tempData VALUES ('duplicate row')
INSERT INTO @tempData VALUES ('duplicate row')
INSERT INTO @tempData VALUES ('second duplicate row')
INSERT INTO @tempData VALUES ('second duplicate row')
WITH    numbered
          AS ( SELECT   data
                      , row_number() OVER ( PARTITION BY data ORDER BY data ) AS nr
               FROM     @tempData
    SELECT  data
    FROM    numbered
    WHERE   nr > 1


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